The Player’s Instinct Project! / Spieltrieb!

Client: Goethe-Institut
Services: Graphic design / Prepress / Printing

The game is a cultural event, which accompanies and forms our personalities already from time immemorial. The Player’s instinct! is a variable, travelling, interdisciplinary programme, which has taken place in Prague, Krakow, Ljubljana, Budapest, Bratislava, Košice, Tallinn and Vilnius. It makes an effort to draw attention to the increasing importance of the game phenomenon in the society.

Game elements have never so significantly satisfied and formed the ordinary days of people of all age categories, as applies at present. The boundaries between reality and a game, between work and entertainment, are disappearing. The graphic solution of the Prague programme of the event does not hide the inspiration of the ageless “Ludo” and carries the gaming elements and themes that we perceive as purely modern.